Excel in Your Competition
This webpage is a centralized location for information to get you started as you prepare and practice your competitive events. All competitive event information is from the national FBLA competitive events page. The resources provided on this page come from various locations, including FBLA Connect, Quizlet, and Youtube. We encourage you to also explore all of these sites for more in depth information.
2024-2025 High School & Middle School Competitive Event Guides Coming Soon!
State Only Events
State-only events do not count towards individual competitor limits and are open to high school and middle school members.
We are introducing TWO new events that are specific and special to Washington FBLA. Check out their guidelines below.
Concept to Campus provides members with the opportunity to prepare a business plan to then take to their school to start a business enterprise on campus. This competitive event consists of a pre-judged report.
On Campus Commerce provides members with the opportunity to showcase their on-campus businesses and their impact on the school community. This competitive event consists of a presentation component.
Microsoft Office Specialist
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) is an industry-recognized certification program that validates skills in Microsoft Office applications. With over 3.9 million jobs every year requesting Microsoft Office skills (in the United States alone), those who take and pass MOS certifications are empowered to stand out in the competitive job market, while simplifying daily tasks and fostering career growth.
If your school is currently taking MOS Certification tests and you register for the SBLC event, your highest score will be pulled on March 1 and entered as your competitive score.
Competitive Event Eligibility
Middle School Events (Starting at Region)
Objective and Production
Event | Category |
Business Etiquette | Objective Test |
Career Exploration | Objective Test |
Digital Citizenship | Objective Test |
Exploring Computer Applications | Production |
Exploring Economics | Objective Test |
Exploring Leadership | Objective Test |
Exploring Parliamentary Procedure | Objective Test |
Exploring Technology | Objective Test |
FBLA Concepts | Objective Test |
Financial Literacy | Objective Test |
Interpersonal Communication | Objective Test |
Learning Strategies | Objective Test |
Presentation and Role Play
Event | Category |
Critical Thinking | Role Play |
Exploring Public Speaking | Presentation |
Middle School Events (Straight to State)
Presentation and Chapter
Event | Category |
Annual Chapter Activities Presentation | Chapter |
Career Research | Presentation |
Community Service Presentation | Chapter |
Exploring Business Ethics | Presentation |
Exploring Business Issues | Presentation |
Exploring Website Design | Presentation |
FBLA Mission & Pledge | Presentation |
Marketing Mix Challenge | Presentation |
Video Game Challenge | Presentation |
High School Events (Starting at Region)
Objective and Production
Event | Category |
Accounting I | Objective Test |
Accounting II | Objective Test |
Advertising | Objective Test |
Business Communication | Objective Test |
Business Law | Objective Test |
Computer Applications | Production |
Computer Problem Solving | Objective Test |
Cyber Security | Objective Test |
Economics | Objective Test |
Financial Math | Objective Test |
Healthcare Administration | Objective Test |
Human Resource Management | Objective Test |
Insurance & Risk Management | Objective Test |
Introduction to Business Communication | Objective Test |
Introduction to Business Concepts | Objective Test |
Introduction to Business Procedures | Objective Test |
Introduction to FBLA | Objective Test |
Introduction to Financial Math | Objective Test |
Introduction to Information Technology | Objective Test |
Introduction to Marketing Concepts | Objective Test |
Introduction to Marketing Concepts | Objective Test |
Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure | Objective Test |
Journalism | Objective Test |
Networking Infrastructures | Objective Test |
Organizational Leadership | Objective Test |
Personal Finance | Objective Test |
Public Policy & Advocacy | Objective Test |
Securities & Investments | Objective Test |
Spreadsheet Applications | Production |
Supply Chain Management | Objective Test |
UX Design | Objective Test |
Word Processing | Production |
Presentation and Role Play
Event | Category |
Banking & Financial Systems | Role Play |
Broadcast Journalism | Presentation |
Business Ethics | Objective Test |
Business Management | Role Play |
Client Service | Presentation |
Data Analysis | Presentation |
Digital Video Production | Presentation |
Electronic Career Portfolio | Presentation |
Entrepreneurship | Role Play |
Graphic Design | Presentation |
Help Desk | Role Play |
Hospitality & Event Management | Role Play |
Impromptu Speaking | Presentation |
International Business | Role Play |
Introduction to Business Presentation | Presentation |
Introduction to Event Planning | Role Play |
Introduction to Programming | Presentation |
Introduction to Public Speaking | Presentation |
Introduction to Social Media Strategy | Presentation |
Job Interview | Presentation |
Management Information Systems | Role Play |
Marketing | Role Play |
Network Design | Role Play |
Parliamentary Procedure | Role Play |
Public Service Announcement | Presentation |
Public Speaking | Presentation |
Sales Presentation | Presentation |
Social Media Strategies | Presentation |
Sports & Entertainment Management | Role Play |
Website Coding & Development | Presentation |
Website Design | Presentation |
Visual Design | Presentation |
High School Events (Straight to State)
Presentation and Chapter
Event | Category |
American Enterprise Project | Chapter |
Business Plan | Presentation |
Coding & Programming | Presentation |
Community Service Project | Chapter |
Computer Game & Simulation Programming | Presentation |
Digital Animation | Presentation |
Financial Statement Analysis | Presentation |
Future Business Educator | Presentation |
Future Business Leader | Presentation |
Local Chapter Annual Business Report | Chapter |
Mobile Application Development | Presentation |
Partnership with a Business Project | Chapter |
Resources By Event Type
Objective Tests
Middle School Events
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Proper Introductions and Direct Eye Contact
- Public Speaking
- Table Manners and Dining Decorum
- Cell Phone Etiquette
- Netiquette
- Professionalism
- International Customs and Etiquette
Study Resources
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Career Planning
- Career Goals
- Career Pathways
- Job Searches
- Job Applications
- Cover Letters
- Resumes
- Interviews
- Employability Skills
- Aptitude
- Career Interests
Study Resources
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Personal Security and Online Privacy
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Digital Footprint
- Internet Searches
- Copyrights
- Cyber Bullying
Study Resources
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Logical Reasoning
- Basic Coding
- Manipulating and Analyzing Data with Digital Tools
- Problem Solving
- Algorithms and Programs
- Abstraction and Decomposition
- Pattern Recognition
Study Resources
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Scarcity
- Supply and Demand
- Economic Systems
- Gross Domestic Product
- International Trade
- Business Cycles
- Inflation
- Opportunity Costs
- Goods and Services
- Needs vs. Wants
Study Resources
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Personal Responsibility
- Self-Awareness
- Teamwork
- Collaboration
- Communicating Effectively
- Motivating
- Conflict Resolution
- Problem Solving
- Empathy
- Flexibility
- Creativity
- Embracing Risk
- Innovation
Study Resources
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Making Motions
- Robert’s Basic Rules of Order
- Development of an Agenda
- Amendments to Motions
- Voting
- Committees
- Bylaws
- Virtual Setting/Meetings
- Organizational Skills
- Working on Teams
Study Resources
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Computer Literacy
- Evolving Technologies
- Basic Concepts in Hardware, Software, and Connectivity
- Impacts on Society
- Website Design
- File Management
- Ergonomics
- Popup Blockers
- Networks
- Spam Filters
Study Resources
Competencies and Test Composition:
- History of FBLA
- FBLA Programs
- FBLA Pledge
- FBLA Mission
- FBLA Goals
- FBLA Middle School Competitions
- FBLA Structure
- FBLA Dress Code
- FBLA Publications
- FBLA Deadlines
Study Resources
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Discounts and Percentages
- Savings
- Checking Accounts
- Decision Making
- Taxes
- Investing
- Insurance
- Budgeting
- Credit Cards
- Return on Investment
- Consumer Awareness
- Identity Theft
Study Resources
- https://quizlet.com/784389599/financial-literacy-fbla-flash-cards/
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Accountability
- Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
- Diverse Cultures
- Teamwork
- Collaboration
- Personal Appearance
- Decision Making
- Values
- Positive Attitude
- Time Management
- Ethics
Study Resources
- https://quizlet.com/157633170/interpersonal-communication-flash-cards/
National Event Guidelines
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Summarizing
- Notetaking
- Cooperative Learning
- Inquiry-Based Learning
- Differentiation
- Cognitive Skills
- Active Learning
- Critical Thinking
- Advanced Organizer
- Vocabulary Development
Study Resources
- https://quizlet.com/753424648/fbla-learning-strategies-flash-cards/
High School Events
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Journalizing (20%)
- Account Classification (15%)
- Terminology, Concepts, and Practices (15%)
- Income Statement (5%)
- Posting (5%)
- Balance Sheet (5%)
- Worksheet (5%)
- Bank Reconciliation (5%)
- Payroll (5%)
- Types of Ownership (5%)
- Depreciation (5%)
- Manual and Computerized Systems (5%)
- Ethics (5%)
Study Resources:
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Financial statements (10%)
- Corporate accounting (10%)
- Ratios and analysis (10%)
- Accounts receivable and payable (10%)
- Budgeting and cash flow (10%)
- Cost accounting/manufacturing (7%)
- Departmentalized accounting (5%)
- Ethics (5%)
- Income tax (5%)
- Inventory (5%)
- Journalizing and posting (5%)
- Payroll (5%)
- Plant assets and depreciation (5%)
- Purchases and sales (5%)
- Partnerships (3%)
Study Resources:
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Financial Planning for Advertising (5%)
- Advertising in a Multicultural Market (5%)
- Basic Marketing Functions (4%)
- Personal Selling & Sales Promotion (4%)
- Traditional Advertising Media (4%)
- Alternative Forms of Advertising Media (4%)
- Branding & Positioning (4%)
- Advertising & the Economy (4%)
- The Advertising Plan (4%)
- Consumer Purchase Classifications (4%)
- Market Segmentation (4%)
- Channels of Distribution & Supply Chain Management (4%)
- Promotion (3%)
- Advertising & Public Relations (3%)
- Creation of the Advertisement (3%)
- Consumer-Oriented Advertising (3%)
- Consumer Behavior (3%)
- Influences on Consumer Behavior (2%)
- The Target Market (2%)
- Product Development (2%)
- Product Life Cycle (2%)
- Price Planning (2%)
- Types of Promotion (2%)
- Marketing Research for Advertising (2%)
- Developing an Effective Sales Promotion Strategy (2%)
- Consumer-Oriented Advertising & Sales Promotion (2%)
- Types of Communication (2%)
- Effective Advertising & Promotional Messages (2%)
- Legal & Ethical Issues Affecting Advertising (2%)
- Ethics in Advertising (2%)
- Diversity & Advertising (2%)
- The Advertising Industry & Careers (2%)
- History of Advertising (1%)
- Influences on Advertising (1%)
- The Internet & Advertising (1%)
- Self-Regulation (1%)
- Cross-Cultural Communication (1%)
Study Resources:
- Health, safety, and environmental management (20%)
- Management analysis and decision-making (20%)
- Marketing (20%)
- Economics (15%)
- Finance and accounting (15%)
- Terminology and trends (10%)
Study Resources:
- Verbal and nonverbal communication (15%)
- Communication concepts (15%)
- Written and report application (15%)
- Grammar (15%)
- Reading comprehension (15%)
- Editing and proofreading (5%)
- Word definition and usage (5%)
- Punctuation and capitalization (5%)
- Spelling (5%)
- Digital communication (5%)
Study Resources:
- Legal systems (20%)
- Contracts and sales (15%)
- Business organization (15%)
- Property laws (10%)
- Agency and employment laws (10%)
- Negotiable instruments, insurance secured transactions, bankruptcy (10%)
- Consumer protection and product/personal liability (10%)
- Computer law (5%)
- Domestic and private law (5%)
Study Resources:
- Operating systems (20%)
- Networks (20%)
- Personal computer components (15%)
- Security (15%)
- Safety and environmental issues (10%)
- Laptop and portable devices (10%)
- Printers and scanners (10%)
Study Resources:
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Defend and attack (virus, spam, spyware) (15%)
- Network security (15%)
- Disaster recovery (15%)
- Email security (10%)
- Intrusion detection (10%)
- Authentication (10%)
- Public key (5%)
- Physical security (5%)
- Cryptography (5%)
- Forensics security (5%)
- Cyber security policy (5%)
Study Resources:
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Basic Economic Concepts and Principles (25%)
- Productivity (10%)
- Macroeconomics (10%)
- Market Structures and Competition (10%)
- Investments and Interest Rates (10%)
- Role of Government (10%)
- Supply & Demand (5%)
- International Trade/Global Economics (5%)
- Monetary and Fiscal Policy (5%)
- Types of Business/Economic Institutions (5%)
- Business Cycles/Circular Low (5%)
Study Resources:
(formerly Business Calculations)
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Consumer credit (15%)
- Mark-up and discounts (10%)
- Data analysis and reporting (10%)
- Payroll (10%)
- Interest rates (10%)
- Investments (8%)
- Taxes (8%)
- Bank records (7%)
- Insurance (7%)
- Ratios and proportions (5%)
- Depreciation (5%)
- Inventory (5%)
Study Resources:
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Managing Office Procedures (10%)
- Medical Terminology (10%)
- Legal & Ethical Issues in Healthcare (10%)
- Communication Skills (10%)
- Managing Financial Functions (10%)
- Health Insurance (10%)
- Records Management (10%)
- Infection Control (10%)
- Medical History (10%)
- Technology (10%)
Study Resources:
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Staff (25%)
- Training and Development (25%)
- Employee Compensation and Benefits (10%)
- Performance Management (10%)
- Government Relations and Issues (10%)
- Human Resource Planning (10%)
- Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining (10%)
Study Resources:
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Risk Management (20%)
- Property & Liability Insurance (20%)
- Health, Disability, & Life Insurance (20%)
- Insurance Knowledge (20%)
- Decision Making (10%)
- Ethics (5%)
- Career (5%)
Study Resources:
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Grammar (25%)
- Punctuation and Capitalization (15%)
- Oral Communication Concepts (15%)
- Reading Comprehension (15%)
- Spelling (10%)
- Proofreading & Editing (10%)
- Word Definition and Usage (10%)
Study Resources:
- Money Management, Banking, and Investments (20%)
- Consumerism (15%)
- Characteristics and Organization of Business (15%)
- Economic Systems (15%)
- Right and Responsibilities of Employees, Managers, Owners, and Government (10%)
- Career Awareness (10%)
- Insurance (5%)
- Ethics (5%)
- Global (International) Business (5%)
Study Resources:
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Human Relations (15%)
- Technology Concepts (15%)
- Business Operations (15%)
- Information Processing (15%)
- Communication Skills (10%)
- Decision Making/Management (10%)
- Career Development (5%)
- Database/Information Management (5%)
- Ethics/Safety (5%)
- Finance (5%)
Study Resources:
Competencies and Test Composition:
- FBLA Organization (25%)
- FBLA Competitive Events (25%)
- FBLA National Publications (25%)
- FBLA Mission, Pledge, Creed, and Goals (15%)
- FBLA Bylaws (10%)
Study Resources:
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Consumer Credit (25%)
- Basic Math Concepts (20%)
- Data Analysis and Probability (15%)
- Discounts (15%)
- Fractions (10%)
- Percentages (10%)
- Decimals (5%)
Study Resources:
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Computer Hardware (15%)
- Computer Software (15%)
- Operating Systems (15%)
- Networking Concepts (15%)
- Common Program Functions (10%)
- Internet Use (10%)
- Word Processing (5%)
- Spreadsheets (5%)
- Presentation Software (5%)
- E-mail and Electronic Communication (5%)
Study Resources:
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Basic Marketing Functions (30%)
- Selling and Merchandising (15%)
- Promotion and Advertising Media (15%)
- Marketing Information, Research, and Planning (8%)
- Channels of Distribution (8%)
- E-commerce (8%)
- Economics (8%)
- Legal, Ethical, and Social Aspects of Marketing (8%)
Study Resources:
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Parliamentary Procedure Principles (80%)
- FBLA Bylaws (20%)
Study Resources:
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Economics and Business of Journalism (25%)
- Grammar & Format (25%)
- Law and Ethics (25%)
- Basic Journalism Principles (15%)
- History of Journalism (10%)
Study Resources:
Competencies and Test Composition:
- General Network Terminology and Concepts (30%)
- Network Operating System Concepts (15%)
- Network Security (15%)
- Equipment for Network Access (Wi-Fi, wireless) (15%)
- Network Topologies & Connectivity (15%)
- OSI Model Functionality (10%)
Study Resources:
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Leadership Concepts (6%)
- Leadership Managerial Roles (6%)
- Leadership Behavior and Motivation (6%)
- Networking (6%)
- Communication Skills (6%)
- Leader/Follower Relations (6%)
- Team Leadership and Self Managed Teams (6%)
- Strategic Leadership for Managing Crises and Change (6%)
- Levels of Leadership (5%)
- Leadership Theory (5%)
- Traits of Effective Leaders (5%)
- Personality Profile of Effective Leaders (4%)
- Leadership attitudes (4%)
- Ethical Leadership (4%)
- Relationship Between Power, Politics, Networking, and Negotiation (4%)
- Coaching (4%)
- Managing Conflict (4%)
- Leadership and Team Decision Making (4%)
- Organizational Politics (3%)
- Charismatic and Transformational Leadership (2%)
- Stewardship and Servant Leadership (2%)
- Leadership in a Diverse Setting (2%)
Study Resources:
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Credit and Debt (20%)
- Earning a Living (Income, Taxes) (15%)
- Managing Budgets and Finance (Planning and Money Management) (15%)
- Saving and Investing (15%)
- Banking and Insurance (15%)
- Financial Principles Related to Personal Decision Making (10%)
- Buying Goods and Services (10%)
Study Resources:
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Political Science Terms & Concepts (10%)
- Forms of Government & Legislatures (10%)
- The Powers & Elections of Congress (10%)
- Federal Judicial System (10%)
- Government Fiscal Policy (10%)
- History & Role of Political Science (5%)
- Civil Liberties & Civil Rights in Political Science (5%)
- Electoral Systems & Presidential Elections (5%)
- Federal Bureaucracy (5%)
- Mass Media & Politics (5%)
- Public Opinion & Culture (5%)
- Political Science Law (5%)
- Public & Social Policy (5%)
- Government Foreign & Defense Policies (5%)
- International Relations Concepts (5%)
Study Resources:
Competencies and Test Composition:
- Stock Market (20%)
- Investment Product and Funds (15%)
- Investment Fundamentals (10%)
- Stocks Versus Other Investments (10%)
- Mutual Funds (10%)
- Basics of Bonds (10%)
- Derivatives (10%)
- Financial Services Regulation (10%)
- Investments Wrappers, Taxation, and Trusts (5%)
Study Resources:
- Channels of Distribution (16%)
- Essential Supply Chain Management Concepts (10%)
- Supply Chain Topics (10%)
- Characteristics for Successful Supply Chain Managers (10%)
- Improving Supply Chain Network Performance (10%)
- Production Planning and Control (10%)
- Supply Chain Planning and Design (8%)
- Supply Chain Process (8%)
- Product Portfolio Management (6%)
- Supply Chain Coordination and Decision Making for the Flow of Products, Services, and Information (6%)
- Supply Chain Management Contemporary Issues (6%)
Study Resources:
- Effective Design Principles (20%)
- Ease of Navigation and Readability (15%)
- Role of UX Design (15%)
- Mobile and Desktop Responsive Web Design (10%)
- UX Design Process (10%)
- Color Scheme (10%)
- Careers in UX/UI Design (10%)
- Accommodations for Special Needs and Related Laws (5%)
- Copyright, Creative Commons, and Fair Use (5%)
Study Resources:
Presentation Events
Middle School Events
Career Research provides members with the opportunity to present their research on a career that appeals to them. This competitive event consists of a presentation component.
- Honesty and Integrity in School and Business—Why It Matters (See guidelines for full background and scenario)
National Event Guidelines & Rating Sheet
Useful Videos:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hcdi_yhJVBc
Objective Test Competencies:
- Business Law
- Communication Skills
- Emotional Intelligence
- Professional Development
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly changing jobs. Professionals are wondering how this new technology will affect their careers.
- Include answers to the following questions during your presentation:
- Which industries are likely to see the biggest changes?
- What should business leaders be doing to welcome the benefits of AI tools for their workers?
- What actions can be taken to prevent the potential harms of AI in the workplace?
National Event Guidelines & Rating Sheets
Useful Videos:
- Choose skills that are developed when participating in community service or volunteer experiences and explain why these skills matter.
National Event Guidelines & Rating Sheets
Useful Videos:
- Develop a website to showcase various clubs and organizations at your school, including their activities, achievements, and membership information. The website should include the following:
- Home page & navigation menu
- Club/Organization Directory: A page listing all school clubs and organizations. Each club/organizations should be presented as a “product card” that includes an image, club/organization name, and a brief description
- Event Highlights: A section showcasing past and upcoming club/organization events
- Join us: A page with information on how to join each club/organization
- Feel free to include any other elements to enhance the website.
- Note: Website does not have to be live. If working directly with your school, permission must be
received from the school to make the website public.
National Event Guidelines & Rating Sheets
Useful Videos:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5A8L7zIJU0&pp=ygUTZmJsYSB3ZWJzaXRlIGRlc2lnbg%3D%3D
FBLA inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders in a global society through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences.
I solemnly promise to support the mission of Future Business Leaders of America, abide by its code of ethics and code of conduct, and develop the qualities necessary to become a community-minded business leader.
National Event Guidelines & Rating Sheet
Useful Videos:
Rating Sheets
National Event Guidelines
Useful Videos:
Objective Test Competencies:
Rating Sheets
National Event Guidelines
Useful Videos:
Objective Test Competencies:
High School Events
- Your community is known for its diverse and vibrant culture and has been struck by a major emergency. The specific nature of the emergency is left for teams to decide and can range from a natural disaster (like a hurricane or earthquake) to a large-scale industrial accident, a widespread health crisis, or even a cyber-attack affecting critical infrastructure.
You are part of your school’s broadcast program. Deliver a LIVE broadcast event that includes the following:
- A story highlighting a first responder to the emergency
- Cause of emergency
- Emergency’s Impact to the community
- Interview of someone impacted
Useful Videos:
- Honesty & Integrity in the Workplace – Why it Matters
Refer to the guidelines for the full scenario.
Useful Videos:
Objective Test Competencies and Resources:
- Business Law
- Communication Skills
- Emotional Intelligence
- Professional Development
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-PuqgXDPVth23MPIKN8NPELZeeMyMXdW/view
- https://quizlet.com/857360088/fbla-business-ethics-flash-cards/
- https://quizlet.com/20904945/business-ethics-fbla-flash-cards/
Useful Videos:
Example Report:
- https://www.fbla.org/media/2019-Business-Plan-1st-Place.pdf
- The maximum length of the report has since been changed to 17 pages
- Create a program that helps students manage their personal finances by tracking account balances, income and expenses. The program should allow users to input details about their income sources and expenses, including the amount, category, and date of each transaction. It should provide features to view the current balance, generate summaries of income and expenses over specified periods (e.g., weekly, monthly), and categorize expenses to show spending patterns. Additionally, the program should include functionality to update or delete existing entries and offer search and filter options to easily find specific transactions.
Useful Videos:
- Create a game that encourages critical thinking and decision-making.
- Scenarios with ethical challenges
- Multiple outcomes based on player decisions
- Scoring (examples include points system, leaderboards, etc.)
The game must:
- Be playable on the student device using Windows 10, Mac OS, a modern web browser, or a mobile platform
- Be secure
- Have no game-breaking bugs
Games should consider accessibility features to accommodate players with disabilities.
Useful Videos:
- In 2023, major wildfires in Canada caused unprecedented air quality issues in the United States, especially in New York City. HealthyCleanAir4All, a fictitious nonprofit based in New York City, was founded to improve the air quality in the city. They have asked you, a data analyst, to analyze data regarding air quality, find trends, and make recommendations about improving the air quality in New York City. Using the provided data and your own research, identify trends and make recommendations based on the data and external factors.
Datasets provided by Data.gov:
- Air Quality (https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/air-quality)
Useful Videos:
- “Welcome to Our School”: Create an animation that teaches a new student or teacher about your school.
Useful Videos:
- Importance of Tourism
Create a video that highlights the importance of tourism in your community or state.
Useful Videos:
- You were just hired as the new Chief Financial Officer of Target. Provide a presentation to highlight the key changes in the financial statements from financial statements ending February 3, 2024, to identify the overall financial condition of the company and provide a strategy for upcoming business decisions and opportunities for growth.
Competitors can choose a business-related topic from one of the following subject areas: Accounting, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, or Technology.
Objective Test Competencies and Resources:
- FBLA Organization
- FBLA Bylaws & Handbook
- FBLA National Competitive Event Guidelines
- FBLA National Publications
- FBLA Mission, Pledge and Goals
- General Business Knowledge (including, but not limited to, accounting, banking, law, entrepreneurship, marketing, international business, management, organizational leadership)
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zom6nVA14f-0f0muki2_ZKCrFTzlSvLz/view
- https://quizlet.com/367117689/fbla-future-business-leader-flash-cards/
- Your graphic design firm has been asked to create a branding package for a fictitious sports team. The package needs to showcase your creativity and highlight your skills in today’s design industry.
Branding package should include:- Team and logo design
- One uniform or jersey for the team
- Design a hat or other item to sell in the team store
- One giveaway item for a team to hand out at a game to fans
- One social media post advertising the team
- One social media post advertising a special event at a game
Useful Videos:
- You have been asked to give a presentation at the high school career fair. The topic for the presentation is Smart Money Management Tips for High School Students.
Useful Videos:
- Write an interactive story that occasionally asks the user what they’d like to do, and changes where the story goes based on user input. Allow the user to stop interacting with the story by saying “stop.”
- Develop and deliver a speech based on the following topic: How volunteerism and community service can shape your future as a leader.
Useful Videos:
- Develop one social media strategy aimed at increasing donations and support for a local non-profit organization in your community. Highlight specific projects, success stories, and behind-the-scenes content to build a connection with the audience.
Useful Videos:
Resume and Cover Letter Guide:
- Design a mobile application that gamifies learning for subjects like math, science, history, or language arts, offering interactive quizzes, puzzles, and progress tracking.
Useful Videos:
- Produce a public service announcement about Healthy Habits in the Workplace.
Useful Videos:
Develop and deliver a speech based on the following topic:
The Power of Networking: Building Professional Relationships for Future Success
Useful Videos:
- Develop social media strategies for a new eco-friendly clothing brand. Emphasize storytelling, influencer partnerships, and user-generated content to create buzz and drive sales.
Useful Videos:
Your design firm has been asked to design a booth for one stand at a Local Farmers Market.
• The booth should show the company or farmer name and pricing of the products
The booth should highlight the products being sold
Create a website for your school’s guidance department so students can easily search job postings and employers can easily submit them.
Your website must include the following functionalities:
• A page for employers to submit postings
• A backend panel to approve or delete postings
• A page displaying the approved postings
• A page for students to apply for the posting
Your school has opened a large gymnasium that can also be used as a 3,500-seat arena for events in the community. The community could rent the gymnasium for local sporting events, live concerts, trade shows, and other community events. You must create a website to promote this arena.
The website should include the following elements:
• A calendar of events
• A box office area to purchase tickets
• An information area that includes directions, seating charts, policies, and amenities
• A planner page that includes information on arena rental, contacts, etc.
Useful Videos:
Role Play Events
Middle School Events
Rating Sheets
National Event Guidelines
Useful Videos:
Objective Test Competencies:
High School Events
Sample Prompts:
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BpCtZi09L6xlb-zza43ZfBNS-lFqXGh2/edit
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z5Hf7Tmqxw8_gg9L8JnUoQzIo7TP8Msb/edit
Objective Test Competencies and Composition:
- Concepts and practices (30%)
- Basic terminology (25%)
- Government regulation of financial services (10%)
- Impact of technology on financial services (10%)
- Ethics (8%)
- Types/differences of various institutions (7%)
- Careers in financial services (5%)
- Taxation (5%)
Study Resources:
Sample Prompts:
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tSFGPWRr0WFtf9mOrwk9yIFXYNKLNo3G/edit
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yujy6iiyhFWvyLqVfPbeEbB08-ih6Exj/edit
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YVb41qwnC3bCBFSlKxW_CUuXli5x82Bu/edit
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qPkyTKQ1g8jGr_h41Vy2clV-154oV4Jx/edit
Useful Videos:
Objective Test Competencies and Composition:
- Information and Communication Systems (15%)
- Human Resource Management (15%)
- Financial Management (15%)
- Business Operations (10%)
- Management Functions and Environment (10%)
- Business Ownership and Law (10%)
- Strategic Management (5%)
- Ethics and Social Responsibility (5%)
- Marketing (5%)
- Economic Concepts (5%)
- Careers (5%)
Study Resources:
Sample Prompts:
Useful Videos:
Objective Test Competencies and Composition:
- Business Plan (20%)
- Financial Management (10%)
- Initial Capital and Credit (10%)
- Marketing Management (10%)
- Personnel Management (10%)
- Taxes (10%)
- Community/Business Relations (10%)
- Government Regulations (10%)
- Legal Issues (10%)
Study Resources:
Sample Prompts:
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YxSh_RF5FdcSE9C7qZHPLgfH6vHz_wjV/edit
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zd0h3UPrZpPHPCsuiiI3b_xiSa5pt5X_/edit
Objective Test Competencies and Composition:
- Customer Management (30%)
- Support Center Infrastructure and Procedures (30%)
- Help Desk Operations and Procedures (20%)
- Communication (10%)
- Professional Career and Leadership Skills (10%)
Study Resources:
Sample Prompts:
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQMSzMcSrftZKONVxODq6_oNe8glo7JC/edit?rtpof=true
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hgWMSbvss0cBYdhDrsxn65lWwI6FgSDe/edit
Useful Videos:
Objective Test Competencies and Composition:
- Manage the Strategic Plan for a Meeting or Event (~6%)
- Hospitality Marketing Concepts (~5%)
- Types of Hospitality Markets and Customers (~5%)
- Hospitality Operation and Management Functions (~5%)
- Customer Service in the Hospitality Industry (~5%)
- Human Resource Management in the Hospitality Industry (~5%)
- Hotel Sales Process (~5%)
- Project Management (~5%)
- Hospitality Marketing Concepts (~5%)
- Meeting Design and Layout (~5%)
- Event Site Selection and Management (~5%)
- Marketing the Event (~5%)
- Communication and Professionalism (~5%)
- Legal Issues, Financial Management, and Budgeting for the Hospitality Industry (~4%)
- Current Hospitality Industry Trends (~4%)
- Environmental, Ethical, and Global Issues for the Hospitality Industry (~4%)
- Manage the Event (~4%)
- Develop Financial Resources (~4%)
- Manage the Event Budget (~4%)
- Human Resources (~4%)
- Train and Manage Staff and Volunteers (~4%)
- Design the Program (~4%)
- Manage Stakeholder Relationships (~3%)
- Engage Speakers and Performers (~3%)
- Food and Beverage Sales (~3%)
- Managing Movement of Attendees (~2%)
Study Resources:
Sample Prompts:
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SaCpxH5tHAMDWpO5Efm9FF7Vzxmk6M1o/edit
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LVHL7BiQKBmTz6BmFrWUhOnk3uxiZWpy/edit
Useful Videos:
Objective Test Competencies and Composition:
- Basic International Concepts (~15%)
- Ownership and Management (~15%)
- Marketing (~15%)
- Finance (~15%)
- Communication (~7%)
- Treaties & Trade Agreements (~7%)
- Legal Issues (~5%)
- Human Resource Management (~5%)
- Ethics (~5%)
- Taxes & Government Regulations (~3%)
- Currency Exchange (~3%)
- International Travel (~3%)
- Career Development (~2%)
Study Resources:
Sample Prompts:
Useful Videos:
Objective Test Competencies and Composition:
- Event Management Customer Service Skills (15%)
- Management Skills for Successful Event Planners (15%)
- Legal Aspects of Event Planning (10%)
- Event Staffing (10%)
- Designing and Executing the Event (10%)
- Convention Management (10%)
- Crowd Control at the Event (10%)
- Pricing for Events (10%)
- Event Planning Careers (5%)
- Supply Chain Management of an Event (5%)
Practice Test:
Study Resources:
Sample Prompts:
Useful Videos:
Objective Test Competencies and Composition:
- Systems Analysis & Design (Systems Development Life Cycle) (20%)
- Database Management and Modeling Concepts (20%)
- Object Oriented Analysis and Design (20%)
- User Interfaces (15%)
- System Controls (15%)
- Defining System and Business Requirements (10%)
Study Resources:
Sample Prompts:
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BBGMbRstbmE8RdMFSDkYIL4oC1w6rrCH/edit
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/10R7ZcOtxzsDdxdLRw7sPCutdfe_caumf/edit
Useful Videos:
Objective Test Competencies and Composition:
- Basic Marketing Functions (25%)
- Economics (15%)
- Selling and Merchandising (15%)
- Channels of Distribution (10%)
- Promotion and Advertising Media (10%)
- Marketing Information, Research, and Planning (10%)
- E-Commerce (8%)
- Legal, Ethical, and Social Aspects of Marketing (7%)
Practice Test:
Study Resources:
Sample Prompts:
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EKPotSutGarzduLIPvoXZYXf2QFESAWl/edit
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NCFLKy6ocjEO3peqYpXkdAqlWmhg4T8P/edit
Useful Videos:
Objective Test Competencies and Composition:
- Network Installation – Planning and Configuration (30%)
- Problem Solving/Troubleshooting (20%)
- Network Administrator Function (15%)
- Backup and Disaster Recovery (15%)
- Configuration of Internet Resources (10%)
- Configuration Network Resources & Services (10%)
Study Resources:
Sample Prompts:
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/19n2YpOwWWjTjXvg-7f0Ofa7E7jXghJ2B/edit
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/13OlqrpEIF33Z7-JSByQCnc5QSt7i6DS3/edit
Useful Videos:
Objective Test Competencies and Composition:
- Parliamentary Procedure Principles (80%)
- FBLA Bylaws (20%)
Study Resources:
Sample Prompts:
Useful Videos:
Objective Test Competencies and Composition:
- Sports and Entertainment Marketing/Strategic Marketing (10%)
- Facility and Event Management (10%)
- Promotion, Advertising, and Sponsorship for Sports and Entertainment Industry (10%)
- Planning, Distribution, Marketing, Pricing, and Selling Sports and Entertainment Events (10%)
- Basic Functions of Management (10%)
- Human Resource Management (Labor Relations) (8%)
- Management Strategies and Strategic Planning Tools (8%)
- Financing and Economic Input (6%)
- Sports Law (6%)
- Marketing/Management Information Technology and Research (6%)
- Leadership and Managing Groups and Teams in the Sports and Entertainment Industry (6%)
- Communication in Sports and Entertainment (Media) (2%)
- Ethics (2%)
- Licensing (2%)
- Sports Governance (2%)
- Careers (2%)
Study Resources:
Production Events
Middle School Events
Production Test Competencies:
Applications and Tools to Know:
Objective Test Competencies and Composition:
Practice Test
Study Resources:
- https://quizlet.com/189990153/fbla-computer-applications-flash-cards/
- https://quizlet.com/124639863/fbla-computer-applications-flash-cards/
National Event Guidelines
High School Events
Production Test Competencies:
- Create, Search, and Query Databases
- Spreadsheet Functions and Formulas
- Text Slide Graphics and Presentations
- Business Graphics
- Word Processing
Applications and Tools to Know:
Objective Test Competencies and Composition:
- Basic Computer Terminology and Concepts (30%)
- Presentation, Publishing, and Multimedia Applications (15%)
- Spreadsheet and Database Applications (10%)
- Basic Application Knowledge and Word Processing (10%)
- E-mail, Integrated, and Collaboration Applications (10%)
- Netiquette and Legal Issues (10%)
- Security (10%)
- Formatting, Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, and Proofreading (5%)
Study Resources:
- Multiple Table Database Design
- Table Creation, Inserting Data Into Tables
- Table SQL Statements
- Creation of Forms/Reports
Objective Test Competencies and Composition:
- Form Development (30%)
- Data Definitions/Functions (25%)
- Query Development (15%)
- Table Relationships-Include Referential Integrity (15%)
- Reports and Forms-Sort, Group, Insert Graphics, Headers, Calculations (15%)
Practice Test:
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cCK4ruTncMD8kCyNN0nhuSjQce0bAPD8/view
Study Resources:
- Basic Mathematical Concepts
- Data Organization Concepts
- Creating Formulas
- Functions
- Generate Graphs (for analysis purposes)
- Pivot Tables
- Create Macros
- Filter and Extract Data
Objective Test Competencies and Composition:
- Formulas (20%)
- Functions (20%)
- Graphics, Charts, and Reports (15%)
- Pivot Tables and Advanced Tools (10%)
- Macros and Templates (10%)
- Filters and Extraction of Data (10%)
- Format and Print Options (10%)
- Purpose for Spreadsheets (5%)
Study Resources:
Production Test Competencies:
- Production of All Types of Business Forms
- Letters and Mail Merge
- Memos
- Tables
- Reports (including statistical)
- Materials (from rough draft and unarranged copy)
- Email messages
Objective Test Competencies and Composition:
- Advanced Applications (30%)
- Related Application Knowledge (25%)
- Document Formatting Rules and Standards (20%)
- Basic Keyboarding Terminology and Concepts (10%)
- Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, and Proofreading (10%)
- Printing (5%)
Study Resources:
Chapter Events
Middle School Events
High School Events
FBLA Prepares Students for Competitive Careers
Washington FBLA Offers Competitive Events Related to the Following Careers